- Wash, cut and finish From £45.00
- Wash cut and finish (restyle) From £55.00
- Wet cut (no blow-dry included) From £39.00
- Cut after technical service From £39.00
- Fringe trim From £5.00
- Blow-dry after technical service From £10.50
- Luxury blow-dry From £34.00
- Shampoo and set From £34.00
- Hair up From £36.00
- 0-5 Girls and Boys dry cut £15.00
- 6-8 Girls Dry Cut £18.00
- 9-14 Girls Wet Cut £25.00
- 15-17 Girls Wet Cut £30.00
- 6-8 Boys Dry Cut £16.00
- 9-16 Boys Wet Cut £17.50
- Clipper Cut £19.00
- Gents Cut and Finish £23.00